Armed officers, backed by dog teams, scoured woodland near Rothbury, north west of Morpeth yesterday with little success.
While extra officers scoured the bustling terminal for unattended baggage, no bomb was found.
For those next two hours, five petty officers from the ship scoured the Oran waterfront looking for Artemis sailors and returned at 20:15 with all but three.
Every officer of worth is out scouring the countryside for volunteers and all militia-men are being recalled.
He was certain that the officers of the law were already scouring allthe ports along the south coast.
Although officers scoured the 1,100-acre expanse of woods and playing fields, using helicopters and police dogs, no evidence was found, Chief Materasso said.
Twenty or more police officers scoured the premises where she supposedly killed the child.
No clue remained to tell of the invader's get-away, though officers scoured the entire area.
I've watched the tapes, I attended the interrogations . . . the officers scoured the hold with everything but an electron microscope.
About a hundred police officers scoured the area, and Chief Gallagher said patrols were being increased around some 60 schools.