But black officers and white officers react to the tapes differently, he said.
But just as the officers reacted in different ways, so have neighborhood residents to the calamity surrounding the 30th Precinct.
Her officers, already unnerved by the relentless destruction all around them, reacted in confusion.
In the heat of the fight, the officers would probably still react to his suggestions as though they were commands.
Once again a brief commotion broke out, as the officers present reacted to the news.
Before the tactical officer could react, Julian had taken the short sword's keen edge right to the other man's throat.
Now if a small war has broken out in the trade centre complex, the Arkonidean officers will react quickly.
"The officers were reacting appropriately to a number of circumstances which together led them to that apartment."
Neighborhood residents have charged that because the women who reported the boy's plight were black, the investigating officers did not react aggressively.
He testified that the officers were reacting just as they had been trained to react.