The officer mistook a deepwater ship route for the boundary of Malaysia's new economic zone.
These officers, inexperienced and prejudiced, mistook a vague resemblance for real identity.
Ms. Haggerty was a passenger in the car and was shot after an officer mistook her cellular phone for a gun, investigators said.
Diallo, whom the officers mistook for a since-convicted rapist, was later found to be unarmed.
However, the officers had mistaken the soldiers' mud-walled compound for the enemy's lair.
The officers mistook their truck for the gray Nissan Titan Dorner was believed to be driving.
She ceased fire briefly because her commanding officer temporarily mistook the Japanese force for friendly ships but soon resumed shooting.
Last month, a white off-duty officer mistook a black undercover transit officer for an armed criminal and shot him several times.
And in that vestibule, the police said he appeared to pull a dark object from his pocket, which the officers mistook for a gun.
The officer had mistaken her for a customer in a drug sale, said the woman, who is not named.