A police dog led officers to the house, a few blocks away.
After nearly an hour, the officers, led by a lieutenant general, arrived.
He then led officers on a chase over several rooftops, the police said.
Then in November, a terrified teenager, saying he had been tortured, led officers to the home of a 29-year-old man.
More than anything else, it is sheer ambition that leads undercover officers to their line of work.
He would later lead officers to the spot where he had disposed of her body.
This led officers to fire numerous rounds into Palczynski, killing him.
Their tribal officers, led by a tribal governor, are elected every two years.
The squad he was working with, eight officers led by a sergeant and a lieutenant, had the same level of supervision as most undercover teams.
Behind us trooped several of the young officers, led by the biggest one who had done the most beating: they were coming along "just in case."