These officers tended to be very reluctant to take the initiative and often lacked the training necessary for their jobs.
Their officers lacked the means to punish an entire division, and harsh measures were not immediately implemented.
At that time, everything at Emperor Suzong's court, including his palace, was makeshift, and the officers lacked discipline.
Generally, officers lack legal authority to deal with many offensive street situations: harassment by panhandlers, disorderly behavior by the homeless.
They argued that the officers lacked probable cause for the arrest before they saw the distinctive packaging of the marijuana bales.
The problem: the officers lack guns to take on the outlaws.
Government employees, government contractors, and military officers often lack the training, education, licensing, and experience required to understand the legal requirements involving environmental safety.
His marriage to a very wealthy heiress allowed Beatty an independence that most other officers lacked.
It contrasts the police to private defense agencies, which would focus on preventing aggression and whose officers would lack immunity for any offenses they might commit.
The judge could not, and ruled that the officer lacked probable cause to open the trunk, a violation of constitutional protections against unreasonable search.