About a quarter of the recruits, 2,350 officers and men" were left over to emigrate to the Cape.
Flores and other military officers were left behind in Los Angeles.
The minor officers were left in a state of infuriating suspense for quite ten minutes.
In all things not provided for by general rules, those officers should be left to their own judgment, under responsibility to their constituents.
The officer was disciplined and later left the Navy.
An attached officer and tow fighters were killed and left on the spot.
Released last June 16, it concluded that black officers were almost systematically left out of the promotion loop.
One officer was left with broken teeth and in need of 30 stitches to his face.
Two more beatings followed; the officer was left in the pit overnight.
He said that through Aug. 21 the officers were typically left at the scene by police cars, which would then return to their commands.