Mr. Ward said the officers had frisked him and searched his car, then let him go only after he revealed his board affiliation.
In 1997 and 1998, officers with the unit frisked more than 45,000 people thought to be carrying guns, but they arrested fewer than 10,000.
The officer frisked him, appropriated his identoplate and went through the door.
The two officers frisked him, he said, then released him.
For instance, the unit's officers frisked 18,023 people in 1997 and 27,061 last year.
When officers frisked him, they found a leather harness beneath his pants.
Two other officers joined the first and roughly frisked Buck.
The two youths quietly followed the officer out to the street, where, amid the stares of passers-by, another officer frisked them for weapons.
The unit's officers frisked 27,061 people in 1998, but arrested only 4,647; more than 22,000 were not even accused of wrongdoing, just stopped and searched.
The officer frisked Mr. Gaines and found no weapon.