The officers encountered the suspect in the building's elevator and forced him out into the lobby, where he drew a gun, officials said.
But on the way, the officers would not encounter traces of a brown-skinned squad, carrying away a fallen member.
The officers, he added, also encountered a problem at the camp similar to one they face on the street.
According to one investigator, the two officers responded to a radio call about an argument and encountered the woman, whom investigators did not identify.
The officers, who were not injured, encountered three arguing men and were shot at, the police said.
Knowing the area also means knowing the people well, especially those the officer will regularly encounter.
At some point, Jose Ives and the officer encountered each other.
The black officers encountered some resistance in the Navy, and after the war all but one left for other careers.
He knew that the officers would not encounter any Aztecs.
The officer had either encountered Elders in a tearing fit or he instantly recognized an elemental force.