After the robbers fled in the getaway car, the two officers commandeered a civilian's car and pursued them onto the Pulaski Skyway.
The government soldier said Friday that he had been forced to walk wounded 25 kilometers (15 miles) from the front, after officers commandeered army trucks to carry away war booty, the newspaper reported.
Several of the Prometheans who'had escaped had come back when the officers had moved off, and commandeered the shuttle the messengers had come in.
After disembarking on Green Beach before dawn, and still under hostile fire from shore batteries, the officers commandeered a small truck.
Furthermore, no system had been put in place for military control of the railways, and officers simply commandeered trains as they saw fit.
They operated this Dingo for about a week before a higher ranking officer spotted it and commandeered it for himself.
The officer commandeers the house for use as a Union field headquarters, but as a courtesy, it is spared.
When needed, the Department's first officers commandeered private wagons and conveyed drunks to the station in a wheelbarrow.
He and other officers commandeered a city bus and raced downtown to the World Trade Center.
But even in their service to the Confederacy, the Cherokees were cheated when white officers stole or commandeered supplies and arms ordered for the Indians.