When the investigating officer involved briefed the MACC's advisory board, several members of the board "asked why he chose to stay back.
After it's been screened, an officer will brief you in person then take you through a team setup exercise so that you know why you're all here and what's expected of you.
The general-staff officer briefed me on the situation.
Marines serving in Najaf said their officers had briefed them that if the situation remained stable for the two weeks, they would be withdrawn; if not, marine replacements will probably have to be brought in.
The night-watch officer came in at 6:45 and briefed him on the events of the previous night, and also delivered messages from Moscow, where it was already after lunch.
Shouting demonstrators clutching their sleeping bags and backpacks were escorted to the streets, and ranking officers briefed the news media.
Over the previous forty-eight hours, using maps, photographs and scale models, officers had briefed and rebriefed their men.
Retired senior military officers played overseas commanders; middle-ranking officers and former intelligence officials briefed the N.S.C.; former State Department officers played themselves.
In September 1996, senior officers from the 109th Airlift Wing briefed the National Guard Bureau on their concept of operations and the status of their preparations to implement Operation Deep Freeze.
Your officers will brief you at that time.