An officer attempted to revive him and administered basic first aid until paramedics arrived.
The officer will administer one or more field sobriety tests.
For evidence of impairment, officers may administer a field sobriety test.
Or, in what we call an aided case - a medical emergency - the officer can administer emergency care.
As the ship's officers administered tests and counselled their human cargo, it became evident that almost all were going to their deaths.
Witnesses eventually came forward to testify that the officers administered an excessive beating.
The cross had many purposes, even as a location where public officers administered justice during the 13th century.
They'll still kill you if you try to remove them, and senior officers can administer punishment through them.
He added that the whole episode, along with the issue of whether the officers should have administered first aid, was under investigation.
The officers administered C.P.R. and had the ambulance there within minutes so the man arrived at the hospital alive.