In the interview, the 56-year-old officer also accused Washington of breaking a commitment made in 1982 to reduce arms sales to Taiwan.
His own officers accused him of the chaos and confusion, but did little to remedy the situation.
Later, other officers, coming back limping and bruised, had accused him of being a practical joker.
An officer accused them of having helped the guerrillas.
Last week, a court in Genoa began hearing evidence against 47 police officers and others accused of brutality in connection with the demonstrations.
This officer accused Hao as a traitor to get him out of the way.
My house is broken into and the investigating officer is almost accusing me of multiple rape.
The officer is accusing him of assault for his struggles during the beating.
Some officers apparently have accused the Serbian police sent to Kosovo of brutality.
Another officer accused Redd of cowardice for refusing to fight, and they both died following a duel over the insult.