Staples, the office-supply company, has completed construction of a $21 million, 326,000-square-foot regional distribution center on the site Nestle passed over.
Mr. Karp's brother, Bob did join the family's office-supply company.
Mr. Carter has become the "moral force" behind a civic crusade, said Ivan Allen 3d, the president of an office-supply company and son of a former Atlanta Mayor.
This is a small office-supply company on Market Street.
"It's supply and demand, you know, and right now they've got the demand," said Adam Hendrix, a sales representative for an office-supply company who drives a red pickup to his appointments.
Ivan Earnest Allen Jr. was born in Atlanta on March 15, 1911, and was the only son of the owner of a successful office-supply company.
Karen was a sales representative at the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the Dunder Mifflin paper and office-supply company.
It was financed privately at a cost of $375 million and is named for the office-supply company Staples, Inc., which was one of the center's corporate sponsors that paid for naming rights.
We've gotten supplies from schools, religious organizations, office-supply companies and private contributors.
Well, it wasn't five years till I heard Bob had a good job in his dad's office-supply company back in California.