He paid with a cashier's check, and he used the office stationery.
William Hague, the foreign secretary, claimed £82.31 in total for office stationery.
In many areas (eg buying office stationery) this won't affect your competitive edge.
She also has a bunch of her dad's office stationery.
He began a systematic search and finally found what he was looking for in a bank of pigeonholes that held office stationery.
Items are generally cheap gift articles, toys, watches, office stationery, and crockery.
Stern was working on the list right now, writing on a piece of office stationery, names and phone numbers.
One of Garry's official duties was to order and issue the office stationery.
From the big wholesale suppliers down through the salary list to office stationery and postage stamps, he kept the thumb-screws turning.
She says she believes that her only impropriety was to write the memo on office stationery.