Diat typically reached his office by 8:15 am and spent slightly over an hour ordering goods.
In total her office spent £126,833 on postage alone in the four-year period, an average of almost £32,000 per year.
Ms. Posey said the counsel's office spent much of its time responding to those requests.
It's crazy to make candidates for local office spend endless time and money just to get on the ballot.
State Department managers insist that the office is spending much more money than it saves.
Mr. Giammo said the office would spend more time testing the system.
Parcells discloses that the Giants' front office "spent nearly $60,000 trying to help one guy, and we failed."
But in recent years the office has spent more and more time analyzing the quality of programs.
To date, the Boulder police and district attorney's office have spent about $300,000 investigating the killing, this college town's only murder last year.
The district attorney's office has spent several months reviewing allegations that judgeships could be bought in Brooklyn from political leaders.