In 2004, Information Based Architecture and Arup won the international competition, in which many internationally large architectural offices participated.
Although office staffing needs and funding availability varies from year to year, most offices within OGC actively participate in the summer legal intern program.
But he said that he could not tell Mayor Koch at the time because his office was participating in the investigation.
"It is difficult to investigate yourself," Mr. Walker said, referring to the fact that the prosecutor's office had participated in the search.
In the first years mostly home renovations were done and the office participated in several contests.
The PA's office will participate via 'link.
The result is that the remote office can fully participate in the company's shared IT infrastructure without compromise.
The office of the attorney general, Eliot L. Spitzer, participated in the three-month investigation and will prosecute some of those charged yesterday.
Our office will not participate in, assist with, or be responsible for the logistics of travel to Washington.
Judge Williams was designated a special deputy attorney general, since Ms. Farber's office could not participate in investigating her.