April 25 - Japanese police raid the offices of a pro-North Korean group in relation to the alleged kidnapping of two children in the 1970s.
Just before the Istanbul attacks, a bomb killed five people at the offices of a pro-American Kurdish group in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk.
It now houses the offices of a group of gastroenterologists.
The latest incidents came two weeks after anthrax first surfaced in the offices of a group of supermarket tabloids in South FLorida.
The building for a time in the early 1900s was the offices and nucleus of a group of famous Chicago architects that included a young Frank Lloyd Wright.
Organizers here at the main office of a radical group, the Islamic Youth Movement, conceded that they needed to do extensive weeding of applicants before anyone really became a holy warrior.
In Kandahar Province, rebels threw grenades at the office of a demining group.
CHEEKY thieves have got away with money and equipment from the offices of a group set up to tackle crime.
I went in search of Dr. Fraker, passing Nuclear Medicine, the nursing offices, and the offices of a group of local radiologists, all in the basement.
These remarks were reported to the local offices of a fundamentalist group that then filed a criminal complaint under the blasphemy law.