The Mayor's office, which is considering challenging the law in court, gleefully informed the Council of its mistake earlier this week and now a second vote must be taken.
If I am given the opportunity to nominate a page for the fall term, my office will inform each applicant and send an official nomination packet.
The supervising office will inform you if an examination of the goods is required before the goods can be transferred.
The commissioner's office informed the Yankees on Thursday that until Hernandez's agreement was completed, he could not work out at the team's facility.
Mrs. Whitman's aides said Mr. Cheney's office did not inform her of that meeting.
The legal department or the managing editor's office will inform the picture editor if a celebrity has been the victim of harassment.
Reid's office informed him that they wouldn't sponsor him as he was not a constituent of Nevada that the Senator represents.
His office informed her that Mr. Caxton had just left town, to be gone a few days.
The office informed the court on Thursday that it had learned that there was a tie between an employee and a juror.
The Prime Minister's office informed the British about this.