After his death, Ortiz's office dismissed the charges against Swartz.
The next month, Gingrich's office dismissed the cruise missile attacks as "pinpricks."
Even after that staff member and another investigator were charged with such thefts, the office did not dismiss, suspend or reassign them, the report said.
The governor's office dismissed that assertion as ludicrous, and said that raising taxes was out of the question.
But lie detector tests are not admissible in court and the district attorney's office would not dismiss the charges.
The prosecutor's office dismissed the charges against Long.
The Governor's office also dismissed the study.
The District Attorney's office looked into the Raoul story in 1994 but dismissed it outright.
The district attorney's office has dismissed charges in about 100 criminal cases because of the corruption cases.
The Houston district attorney's office has dismissed the possibility of a hitman as "pure speculation."