Some offices complain that updating a member's home page takes too much staff time, and even the most committed lawmakers sometimes fall behind.
In "Counseling", Dwight hires a day laborer to get rid of a hornet's nest that the office has been complaining about.
The district attorney's office has complained that the bail was too low.
Mr. Walsh's office has complained about delays in obtaining information about Swiss accounts that had held more than $12 million from the Iran arms sales.
The President's office complained about the release of this images and said he was not aware of the camera and microphones being turned on.
The prosecutor's office, which was having difficulty with many aspects of the officers' arrests, had complained about the officers directly to District 4 months before, to no avail.
The district attorney's office complained about the exclusion to the Wallkill police commission, a small group of citizens appointed to oversee the department.
The D.A.'s office has complained about us giving out information.
She said that all sites dealing with abortion, pro and con, had been blocked after her office complained to the Board of Education.