Roberts took the Constitutional oath of office, administered by senior Associate Justice John Paul Stevens at the White House, on September 29.
Then Al Gore took the oath of office, administered by Supreme Court Justice Byron White.
Before taking the office, the candidate must swear an oath of office administered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Indiana, promising to uphold the Constitution and laws of the state.
He delivered a 1721 word speech in the United States Capitol's Senate chamber, and then took the oath of office, administered by Chief Justice John Marshall.
He was subsequently approved by parliament and took his oath of office administered by Chief Justice Willy Mutunga on 24 December 2012 after appointment by President Mwai Kibaki.
Truman took the oath of office administered by Chief Justice of the United States Fred Vinson.
Henry was sworn in as Oklahoma's 26th Governor on January 13, 2003, with the oath of office being administered by his cousin, federal appeals court judge Robert Harlan Henry.
Washington moved to the second-floor balcony where he took the presidential oath of office, administered by Chancellor of New York Robert Livingston in view of throngs of people gathered on the streets.
But did you ever think you'd live to see the oath of office administered to my little boy, with one hand upraised and the thumb of the other in his mouth?
The Ecuadorian Army had the oath of office administered to Supreme Court President Camilo Gallegos Toledo.