For him even to make such an offhand reference to it was rarer than a purple pine marten.
Nancy Reagan also only gets an offhand reference, in an anecdote about Republican women visiting the White House.
That means no offhand references to the ball as "the pill" or to making a pass as "dropping a dime" without stopping to explain the terms.
Mr. Anderson came upon an offhand reference that Mr. Peters made to Hawaii.
I could have struck the man across the face, so hot was I at this callous and offhand reference to so delicate a matter.
Donough began dropping offhand references to "my armies at home" into casual conversation.
Honor tapped a note into her own memo board and smiled faintly as Suchon's mouth twisted at the offhand reference to her absent junior.
But these offhand references make it impossible to ignore how easily he takes money for granted.
He could deduce some of that from the physical characteristics of the playing field and even more from offhand references made around the batting cage.
He wondered if the offhand reference he'd made to the synde bean situation had been construed to mean more by Courtney.