Robert Spano, the dynamic and adventuresome new conductor of the Brooklyn Philharmonic, is offering a typically intriguing program this weekend.
The railroad is offering two tours this weekend.
This organization is offering two programs this weekend.
LEAD: IN unusual combinations of the new and the traditional, Channel 13 is offering two first-rate music essays this weekend.
One of those benefits is being offered this weekend in Central Park under the auspices of the Montreux Jazz Festival.
Now the club has started a record label to extend its support (and brand name), and offers a showcase this weekend.
Stores in Ridgewood will offer centennial sales this weekend.
A typically rich mix of performance art and dance is being offered this weekend by Performance Space 122, 150 First Avenue, at Ninth Street.
Today, officials said he would not be offering any more money this weekend.
The garden is offering three classes this weekend.