It offers techniques in scene development and character portrayal so readers can become part of the story that uiffolds before them.
The School offers specialized training, innovative programs and new instructional techniques in Mathematics.
The coaches also offered techniques for overcoming embarrassment, anxiety or timidity in talking with the doctor.
His first published works offered advice and techniques for writers.
In addition to offering pre-university programs, and similar techniques, each of the schools have programs that are unique.
A management expert offers techniques for dealing with change in the workplace and in life.
Study guides for math and science often present problems (as in problem-based learning) and will offer techniques of resolution.
The video was the first of its kind to offer cycling safety tips and techniques.
Tucked away in one corner is a collection of books on how to improve your memory, most of which offer different techniques.
Object-oriented programming offers techniques for boosting efficiency and hiding complexity.