Perhaps just as important as the doors the Internet has opened for students are the opportunities it offers teachers, many of whom are not certified.
There are many factors that have contributed to the substitute shortage, among them a strong economy that offers potential teachers, retirees or stay-at-home moms other employment options.
FVDES is dedicated to offering individual teachers for each course, rather than providing non-specialist tutors.
To offer teachers $2,000 more for achieving higher test scores adds insult to injury.
As well as offering children an alternative approach, Hyman believes he is offering teachers - he is about to start recruiting - something different.
To be sure, if such schools offer dedicated teachers and well-financed programs (often not the case), students could succeed academically.
Students are offered teachers for private music lessons, and perform annual or bi-annual recitals either during chapel sessions or at the Christmas program.
Philosophy and Children organization offers introductory workshops and Certificate courses in schools and graduate teachers in Australia.
Proponents claim that charters offer teachers a measure of empowerment, employee ownership, and governance that might be enhanced by union assistance (Nathan).
The level of training and support we offer teachers is unprecedented nationally.