For months, The Herald has been offering musical tapes produced by the foundation as an inducement to new subscribers.
At trial, she'll offer police photographs, tapes of calls to 911 and medical records.
It consists of the Literary Guild and six other clubs, which offer both books, compact disks and tapes.
I offered tapes of myself.
It was a cassette, big (5" x 7"), but offered few pre-recorded tapes; despite multiple versions, it failed.
Some manufacturers have seen the video light and decided to offer instructional tapes as an incentive to buying their cameras.
In the mall, teenagers who recognized him from his rap days approached for autographs or offered him tapes of their own music.
As an example, they cite a forthcoming McDonald's promotion that will offer standard-play tapes of "Wayne's World" and other films for $5.99.
Between classes, he would set up a cheap yellow boom box on a major promenade at C.A.U. known as the Strip and offer tapes for sale.
Seventh Generation will offer 39 environmentally oriented tapes, chosen from a pool of about 100 recommended by the 2 other organizations, to the 95,000 people on its mailing list.