The White House hoped to win broad acceptance by offering sweeteners to interest groups.
Houston offered other sweeteners as well.
Mr Barr claimed landowners had been offered 'sweeteners' up to £12,500 per pylon to allow the lines to be built.
It is also a city that offers tax incentives and other sweeteners to developers who help in its revival program.
But the opposition believes that China has changed its stance and that Russia would agree if offered tactical sweeteners.
Rather than offering sweeteners to new customers, the bank is rewarding its existing customers instead.
But he added that "chequebook diplomacy" had started at the negotiations with poor countries being offered money and sweeteners by rich countries to ensure votes.
The trouble is that under European rules, Saxony will not be able to offer such sweeteners after 2006.
Three building societies are by offering customers sweeteners to stay and save.
The moratorium did not stop all companies from converting pensions, but the uncertain legal environment made them move much more cautiously, and to sometimes offer sweeteners.