It apparently was a success and offered good four-channel sound at budget price.
They have managed to increase the number of subscribers throughout the years by offering various quality, mobile sound and data transferring services.
While not as good as the best of the larger headphones, it offers clear, reasonably full sound.
A listening test left no doubt that this system ranks with the best in its price range, offering notably clear and smooth sound.
The amphitheater design offers good sound and sight lines.
These new game players will also be more powerful than current models, offering more complexity, better sound and rich graphics.
It offers a different feeling and sound to the "spankee", which can be a large part of the fetish.
It offers a fine picture, splendid sound and no frills.
The two formats offer equally spectacular picture and sensational sound.
Pianos offer such sound, but they don't fit at many bedsides.