One company struck a deal with a nearby apartment complex to offer lower rents for employees who travel to work by bus.
And it had to offer very low rents.
Large tenants are often difficult to find, and to attract them owners must offer expensive improvements and low rents.
Over time certain types of business were attracted to the area, which offered low rents and an alternative feel to the typical British high street.
Vacancy rates had been increasing steadily in the city for years, he said, and bigger buildings were offering much lower rents.
The result was a high vacancy rate in the mid-60's, which led landlords to offer reduced rents and significant concessions to tenants.
But today owners of those buildings must offer bargain-rate rents to fill vacant floors.
The project will rely on long-term tax waivers to offer rents considerably below prevailing rates.
Others are offering free rents for six months to a year.
The buildings are to offer low rents (about $800 a month) and meeting rooms, office machines and even clerical help.