Placemats offer quotations from diner regulars on what keeps them coming back.
And Baker and Glasser offer near-mirror quotations in the book's opening and close.
It also offers quizzes and trivia, quotations, and book lists.
From 1626 the prijscourant (offering stock and bond prices) of the Dutch stock exchanges offered quotations for ten destinations.
Cameron determinedly attempted to increase his public visibility, offering quotations on matters of public controversy.
But the prosecution papers today summarized their findings and offered quotations from each.
They also provide clients with information about their accounts and offer real-time or delayed stock-price quotations, in some cases for an extra fee.
Every 5 to 10 miles, road signs offer quotations from the Koran.
Printed endpapers offer additional quotations from the Analects.
Small bronze plaques close to the ground offered quotations from Shakespeare's plays, many familiar but others not so, all chosen because they employed a flower's name.