As always in these promotions, products from the country are all over the store, including the food department, which offers Spanish sherry, pastries and olive oil.
As a holiday bonus, listeners will be offered Viennese pastries and coffee after the concert.
The bakery offers many cakes and pastries that are pareve, or suitable for both dairy and meat meals.
Whether your inclination is classic or modern, these artisans offer fresh and vibrantly flavourful pastries that are sure to hit your sweet spot.
Traditionally, the first time that the man and woman see each other is when she enters to offer tea and pastries to the guests.
The menu offers dishes of classical French cuisine and pastries cooked in accordance to original French recipes.
The infant, swathed in soft pink cotton, slept in a car seat on the floor as her mother and grandmother offered tea and pastries.
It still offers its rich coffees, fresh sugar-cane juice and guava-filled pastries, but now you can get good salads and sandwiches, too.
In some parts of the Shandong Province, young women offered fruit and pastries to pray for a bright mind.
The shop will also offer fresh bread and pastries, specializing in items that are baked to order, and will have cafe tables.