Insurance companies offer mortgages from banks and building societies, as well as their own brand.
A humorist looks at the history of the computer and offers his own brand of operating manual.
Each company usually offers its own brand but some sites offer a personalized/custom branding.
To its regional affiliates in exchange for air time it offered its brand and programming.
She was concerned about Luke's alcoholism and was willing to support him in his decisions while still offering her own brand of tough love.
In other words, the church controlled popular magic by offering its own brand.
Science could offer both sanctuary and its own brand of sanctification.
Their car broke down, sir, so we offered them our special brand of southern hospitality.
She is one of the most recognized models in Colombia, and offers her own brand of personal care products under her name.
The cable companies especially dominate because until recently, they exclusively offered their own brand of high-speed service.