She said she did not vote to dismantle the drug laws because it would offer leniency for some violent offenders.
It also offers leniency to businesses reporting cartels that they are themselves involved in.
People in the Iraqi hierarchy who help bring down the government may be offered leniency.
Prosecutors also remain free to offer leniency to cooperating witnesses.
In exchange for information, the police and prosecutors often offer leniency.
Westerholt had orders to offer leniency to the rebels if they would surrender.
In exchange for information, prosecutors routinely offer leniency to killers, thieves and liars.
It came forward as part of an amnesty program, begun in 1994, that offers leniency to the first company to cooperate in a Federal antitrust investigation.
Defense lawyers in all courts across the country routinely criticize prosecutors for obtaining testimony by offering leniency.