C Map A popular place offering a range of diving courses plus extras such as camel safaris, yoga classes and more.
It's the only service to offer pleasant extras like audio books (5,000), spending limits (are you listening, parents of teenagers?)
More advanced document management systems offer extras such as:
The future, and the profits, are in machines that offer attractive design and extras like the ability to record discs, Mr. Knox said.
One for the Road Some companies offer extras this year.
Managed care companies like Oxford have attracted members by offering extras that Medicare does not cover, typically including coverage for prescription drugs.
More recently, some artists have tried to encourage fans to buy CD's instead of downloading songs by offering extras with albums.
Local government home health-care agencies, offer many of the same services as the others, plus such extras as health education and preventive services.
Fiat offered optional extras from the factory labelled with the Abarth name.
Many banks offer discounts and extras to students in the hope that they can make money from you in the future.