They came to offer support, sympathy or empathy, and friendship, but she didn't want to have anything in common with them.
Susan Baker visited and wrote me, offering encouragement and empathy about events ranging from the loss of my father to the political storms surrounding Bill's Presidency.
Spurrier, a playoff proponent hardly known for compassion, was the first to offer empathy for Kansas State fans.
Ideally, the befriender discards assumptions, offers unconditional acceptance, compassion, empathy and concern, whilst respecting and encouraging the other's autonomy and sense of equality.
The video the toddlers watched was of other toddlers offering empathy and insights.
The goal is to offer empathy and comfort, which cannot grow out of an angry response to a hurtful remark.
The chaplain assistant allows troubled soldiers the option of confiding in someone who can offer genuine empathy to soldiers facing issues relating to combat or deployments.
Dow Corning's parents have offered not just sympathy, but empathy.
But the founding members of "Ex-Wives Club" also offer empathy.
Other than offering empathy and wondering why I hadn't already involved the police, Lauren didn't have much to say in reply.