The case, I saw, offered uncommon difficulties, or presented eminent danger, but, the examination over, they desired to consult together.
The Pictish language offers considerable difficulties.
The rôle of Paris offers difficulties of casting, written, as it was, for a relatively high castrato voice.
It seems quite unlikely that that problem could have offered difficulties to any but a trained philosopher.
It was the elevator tube itself that offered unexpected difficulties.
The overhangs and stalactites of various forms and sizes offer difficulties from 6b up.
While this is not the dire political crisis it was during the prior Star Kingdom government, it still offers numerous personal and professional difficulties for them.
The country would have offered very great difficulties to an attacking force had there been resistance.
Alvara's face showed doubt, after the route had been pointed out to him, for it offered difficulties, even for a skilled climber.
The tracks offer different difficulties, various textures and types of landscape like wastelands and city streets.