In the late 1960's, "Sesame Street" offered contemporary characters.
Although fighting games offer female characters, their image tends to be hyperfeminized, and they have even been featured as pin-up girls in game magazines.
In these two stories the accretion of detail offers us characters with mystery.
As on any reality show, the audience has been offered characters to root for or to hiss against.
Other than one logic-defying scene, the film offers great escapist entertainment and interesting characters for whom we come to care.
C++ offers both narrow and wide characters, but the actual size of each is platform dependent, as is the character set used.
She stated that Elsie always seemed ill-equipped to offer other characters advice on their love lives when they needed it.
Few of the stories offer fully developed characters, and by collection's end the plot devices have become familiar.
And the four supporting roles, while presenting few vocal challenges, offer fully formed characters to newcomers hoping to make an impact.
Somehow the image stuck and thereafter she was offered only supporting and bold characters.