The recreation and camping grounds offer bungalos and cabins.
On one route it offers first-class cabins with doors.
The park also offers campsites, cabins, a swimming pool, nature center, and a full service store.
This company says it regularly offers cabins that are normally $1,400 to $1,500 for $899 to $999.
Most boats offered deck passage fare or, with additional cost, cabins and meals.
A balcony overlooking the main pool offers private cabins for cooling off between saunas.
The center, near Pomeroy, offers cabins, dining and meeting halls, and other accommodations for large groups.
Both ships offer outside cabins with private bath.
The area offers cabins for up to twelve people and tours of nearby monarch butterfly sanctuaries.
The Gardens now offers camping, dorm-style accommodations, private rooms and private cabins.