He finished the year with just three goals and rarely served as an offensive catalyst for Calgary.
McPherson, the talented option quarterback with a strong throwing arm, was the offensive catalyst.
But tonight, Buffalo was without its offensive catalyst, its designated tough guy and the best goaltender in the league.
But he was the offensive catalyst today, hitting 5 of 12 shots, including 3 from 3-point range, distributing 7 assists and making a game-high 4 steals.
He's a veteran player and a veteran bat to add to our lineup, a leadoff hitter and an offensive catalyst.
When they signed Coleman before the 1991 season, the Mets viewed him as their offensive catalyst.
He remained an offensive catalyst for the team, scoring 61 points in 1981-82 and set a franchise record for points by a defenceman with 75 in 1982-83.
Johnson was the offensive catalyst, completing 16 of 26 passes for 190 yards and 3 touchdowns to earn the most valuable player award on offense.
Eugene Lawrence was the offensive catalyst for St. John's.
Oakland's offensive catalyst, second baseman Randy Velarde, only recently came off the disabled list, where he had been since the start of the season.