Their offense last night again gave them little cushion.
Last time, everyone said the offenses simply didn't execute and gave neither defense much credit.
"But if your offense goes three and out just a few times and gives them the ball too often, they'll kill you," Fassel said.
Second offense gives 6-15 years prison sentence and must serve at least half the jail sentence.
The turnaround and the quirky offense gave the program some much-needed buzz.
His offense gave him a 3-0 lead in the second inning, but Johnson could not put the game away.
"No offense, but it gives the impression that you came prepared for something illegal."
"I've got to be able to come through when your offense gives you a chance like that," he said.
Our offense gave us enough to win, and the defense didn't play up to our capabilities.
They looked spry on defense, and the offense gave Pavano a big early lead.