The Jets' offense yesterday ran 82 plays, gained 26 first downs and held the ball for nearly 42 minutes.
Pittsburgh's offense subsequently gained 37 yards on their first 3 plays.
Oh, and the offense gained 5 yards in the first quarter.
Overall, the rushing offense gained 134.5 yards per game and was ranked 72nd in the nation.
We know what we can do on defense, but now the offense is gaining that kind of confidence.
There, however, Cincinnati's offense sputtered and could not gain another first down.
The offense had gained 9 total yards after the opening quarter.
In order to get a first down, the offense must gain 10 yards within a series of four plays, or downs.
The team's offense gained 597 yards over 98 plays, scoring 10 touchdowns.
This offense gained 584 yards against poor Temple last Saturday.