Instead, they have simply sought to minimize the significance of the particular offenses charged against the President.
The managers have not shown, and could not, on this record or any record, prove that the President committed any of the offenses charged in the articles.
We do not believe that President Clinton committed any of the offenses charged by the managers.
Under that approach, the Senate would vote to find that Mr. Clinton had committed the offenses charged in the two articles of impeachment, perjury and obstruction of justice.
"The offenses charged against the President in this article are uniquely Presidential offenses," he said.
She nodded perfunctorily, then continued, "I'm to advise you of the offenses charged against you.
Therefore, I voted for his conviction and removal for the offenses charged in Article II.
Some cases involved the moral and spiritual rectitude of church members; a typical offense charged against some young men was intemperance.
There was little doubt that Swayne was guilty of some of the offenses charged against him.
Most of the offenses charged in the pending cases took place last year.