It undoubtedly offers much to offend purists of whatever stripe, but it spoke eloquently to at least one nonspecialist admirer of Chinese opera.
His synthesis of entertainment and music offended purists, while younger musicians were interested in the avant-garde or in be-bop.
While this might offend purists, it allows for a broader gaming experience without having to create multiple creatures and play simultaneous games.
Does all this mass marketing offend purists?
Though it was certain to offend purists, he wanted to choose someone from outside the party as his running mate, even someone from the right.
Reducing "Hamlet' to a cast of 11 (and a three-hour playing time) has required textual compression and rearrangement that may offend purists.
This sort of light touch might offend purists, but it makes a good antidote to the underlying mean-spiritedness of Lorenzo da Ponte's scenario.
I may offend purists who like their fighting games impenetrable unless they take a college course, but I found this approach refreshing.
Some Gulf oyster suppliers pasteurize their oysters by heating them briefly, which offends purists but dramatically reduces Vibrio.
"This will definitely offend purists," said Patrick J. Smith, editor of Opera News.