It is all too easy to offend others with our own selfish thoughts and aspirations.
This type of communication style offends others, and their negative reaction to you can lead to stress.
The perspective of time has shown us that our actions, intended or not, can offend others.
These same defenders of free speech should not hesitate to allow expression that may offend themselves or others.
The key to doing that is not to offend others by appearing to overreach, but to bring them along for the ride.
In its eight years of publication, it has offended blacks, women, homosexuals and others.
I don't know, I think by writing an article like this you do, in some way, mean to offend others who post such status updates.
What might offend others is the way the objects are marketed.
Elsewhere in the world I am not a god, and it would offend others if you called me one.
I'm sorry when I offend others, but life is too short to spend a great deal of time and energy trying to please everyone.