Bloom knew it was a different kind of book; he once joked that having offended liberals with his first book, he would offend conservatives with this one.
The selection of Judge Kennedy or anyone comparable would have offended such conservatives once again - witness Mr. Helms's filibuster threat.
Boortz has made controversial statements that are critical of politicians and other statements that offend Christian conservatives.
He does not want to offend the Christian right and other conservatives.
But some companies may choose to avoid going through an endowment that has had to be politically cautious in order not to offend conservatives in Congress.
This anti-Left ethos is particularly appealing to the young, however much it might offend older conservatives.
Governor Pataki's social policies have also offended conservatives.
Mr. Lee offended conservatives simply because he favors upholding the law, which includes using affirmative action as a remedy for some civil rights violations.