The most common objection to the censored films was that they would offend China.
Moreover, Japan did not wish to offend China and Russia.
Another was, in all probability, the concern of those companies about offending China.
From the President down, the Bush Administration seems determined to do nothing that might offend China.
Many countries have refused to take them for fear of offending China, which today said they were terrorists and demanded their return.
Most of all, we should get over the notion that we must not offend China.
Some doubt the British administration will introduce democracy here before 1997 for fear of offending China.
But they are reluctant to say so publicly for fear of offending China.
Critics say that the changes are essentially a major overhaul that is being done too hastily and could offend China.
"Obviously, it has to do with not offending China, which is such a huge market for them."