To keep from offending Beijing further, the Japanese Prime Minister did not go to Yasukuni last Aug. 15.
Ms. Loh is an unusually outspoken person in a place where many are already muting their voices for fear of offending Beijing.
To hear China's newspapers tell it, Bush administration officials get out of bed every morning thinking about how to offend Beijing.
Western countries did not allow visits by Taiwan leaders, nor did foreign Government ministers dare go to Taipei, for fear of offending Beijing.
The Administration has been trying to strike a balance in appearing tough with China on human rights while not offending Beijing.
Companies that offend Beijing tend to encounter considerable red tape.
I have also offended Beijing by insisting your ship be allowed to leave once we obtain your statement, but they have agreed.
Some countries, fearful of offending Beijing, refused to accept them.
According to Chong, fear of offending Beijing - in the West - has led to some uncomfortable reactions.
Ms. Lu, a Harvard Law graduate and a longtime, forceful advocate of Taiwan independence, offended Beijing with remarks in a recent television interview.