It's reputation, more than high-powered advertising and marketing, that usually draws diners to offbeat locations.
"He wrote the book on advertising and promotion in men's retailing, using the radio to summon his clientele to a very offbeat location."
For antique dealers seeking less glamour and lower rents, the search for space often takes them to offbeat locations.
The offbeat location has actually been an asset, he said.
In the late 60's, he opened the O Boutique, drawing fashion enthusiasts to its offbeat location at 19th Street and Park Avenue South.
Mr. Gladstone believes the offbeat location will be a draw itself.
The show follows Vice employees as they travel to dangerous, weird, and offbeat locations throughout the globe.
As if getting to these offbeat locations isn't sufficiently challenging, Mr. Treybig tries to make each trip as technically impossible as possible.
Indeed, it takes a most unusual site in an offbeat location to make it possible.
ONE by one, in the 1980's, major development sites in ostensibly offbeat locations in Manhattan have gone into construction.