To reduce costs, on available off-the-shelf technology was utilized.
"There is off-the-shelf technology that can reduce these fish kills by 97 percent, but the state has never required the power companies to install it."
Maybe, if you're doing something that's different enough from the mainstream and if there's no good off-the-shelf technology for your problem.
Cell phone cloning became possible with off-the-shelf technology in the 1990s.
"The neat thing here is that this is off-the-shelf technology," he said.
"It's definitely not off-the-shelf technology, and there's no way the Iraqis could do it."
An important issue in the design was that it should use off-the-shelf technology (parts and knowhow).
Starfleet really ought to look into who's selling them so much of our off-the-shelf technology.
The new program would focus more on "off-the-shelf" technology.
The company can buy off-the-shelf technology like computer hardware and communications equipment.