In 2006, she reported off-the-record comments by the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke.
Yet no one is quick to whisper nasty things about him, not Republican or Democrat, not even in a conspiratorial off-the-record comment.
"Slots are for losers," he spat, and then, coming to his senses, begged me to consider that an off-the-record comment.
The world has watched each squirm when off-the-record comments became public.
Mr Barnes told the committee that his "off-the-record" comment was a "throwaway figure of speech".
For Ms. Arrarás, there are no off-the-record comments and never a long silence, except when asked about the details of her contract, which she will not disclose.
He made no off-the-record comments.
Johnson brushed off his owner, Jones was livid, and later among friends made what he said were off-the-record comments about firing Johnson and hiring Switzer.
He didn't mention how it would come to pass that he would see one of their names attached to an off-the-record comment, but his point was understood.
From off-the-record comments I hear among researchers, the scientific bureaucracy indeed seems to need shaking up, but the author's digs at the workaday scientist may alienate the very audience he must persuade.